Yes, I know that I've been slacking, but it's just crazy for me right now. It's almost like being home for R&R, being pulled here and there, asking to be here and there, popularity sucks! LOL I'm just joking.
I'm still in love with my car, "EC"! I have already put a mark on him. :( It's all my fault, but I'm dealing with it. I'm just glad that it was me and no one else.
The 4th of July was a blast! It didn't just rained, it freaking poured! It didn't stop us though. Jason didn't have anything going on for the 4th, so he came down to Chickasha to celebrate it with all of us crazy people. He enjoyed himself and made himself at home. Everyone, so far, had only good things to say about him. We had a freaking awesome fireworks show. We got together and bought close to a $1k worth of fireworks. We visited and drank and laughed so freaking much. All the adults were just like kids, it was great!
I'm starting to hit the pavement and begin looking for a job. I've looked at my resume and updated it, but not completely. This part is just so much fun! I'm also thinking about buying a house. My cousins, the Veals, said that they'd sell me their house. I'm going to look into it. I'm 90% sure that I can land a j-o-b in Chickasha, but I don't want to do the commute thing. So, if I do buy the Veal house, I'm thinking that I may just rent it out. At least till I'm able to find a j-o-b in Oklahoma City. I'm through with overseas contracting, or want to be, so I hope that something works out.
I'm tired and I don't feel like doing anything. There aren't enough hours in the day!
My friend Michael is thinking about a military branch, so Monday we are going to go hit up some recruiting stations and see what they have to tell him. I'm just going for support and if they tell him something he doesn't understand, I'll be there to explain, and to catch any lies they may tell. :)
So, this is my update, I'll try to keep them coming regularly! PEACE
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