Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is suppose to be a place for me to vent and say what I want, without feeling bad or hurting anyones feelings, so why do I still find myself editing what I say or omitting stuff? This is all stuff that's in my head that no one would ever hear, I'm just putting it out here. It should be interesting and read as if you never even knew it, but people are retards and can't do that, so... LOL Did that make sense?

Take Me As I Am, Read it and keep it to yourself or just simply don't read it at all, right!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is this not freaking cool?! Wal-Mart is carrying them!

From iPhone

Just wanted to do a test post :-P

Sent from Jay's iPhone

Hey Hey Hey

Halloween is here! I've decided not to dress up this year. Yeah, I let the way someone has been treating me lately affect this decision. Blah. Whatev! There's not a whole lot going on, my friend Laura had a Halloween 80's Themed Party last night and I made an appearance and took some photos, which I'll get posted pretty soon :-)