I currently hear from my friends more than anyone, and ONE in particular would be Marisela. They just bought a house! I can't wait to get back home so that I can go visit and see it. I'm so happy for them. I'm sure she'll put me to work to, but I'll get out of it some way or another! LOL
I'm going to be distant from everyone when I get back as well. I mean, I'm still doing my North America Road Trip, so I'll see whomever during all that, which I can't wait either! Once I get tired of running around, then I'll try and make time for everyone. That's just how the cookie crumbles I suppose. LOL
Today, I actually did some freaking work! I was out in the sun all day and it's fucking HOT! Great, now I have a real good farmers tan going as well as a watch tan! It sucks, but not really a biggie. I'm not impressing anyone.
I still haven't heard yet either when I'll be heading back. I'm not telling anyone either. Everything that you need to know will be here, where I empty my head, so if you should happen to read it here or whatever, then you're going to be above the rest. It's just how I'm rollin' these days! :)
I've been thinking about this Oklahoma City AIDS Walk thing, and I want to do the 5k run that morning of. I wonder if I can get anyone to join me or at least get a group to go out for support and what not. I was also thinking about having t-shirts made, with my design on them for everyone who'd like to join me that morning. It's going to be on Sunday October 11th. So, if you read this and you're interested, leave me a comment or send me an e-mail stating as such! :)
Hey babe, I'll go with you!