First, I would start with my family. I wouldn't give them any money. I would set them down, one group at a time, and get them out of debt, a new vehicle if they need it, a new home if they need it and then I'd go on to my very dear friends. I would do the same for them as well. Before anything happened, it would be stated that I'm only going to ask once, ONCE. If I were to ask you to open up your financial stuff to me so that I could begin paying them off and you were like, "Aww that's really sweet of you, but I couldn't allow you to do that", then guess what, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be doing any of it out of charity, I would be doing it because I was in a position to do it and most of you know what a giving person I am.
After everyone was taken care of, I would want to set up some type of program or organization that allowed me to help the less fortunate. I would want to create some type of business that allowed me to give people the opportunity to learn a new skill or work on their current skills, at the same time, being a productive business. I would donate money to improve or acquire items needed for the schools of my babies. I would want to also start up a program or organization for single parents who have to work, that would have a place for their children to hang out after school which allowed them access to tutors and entertainment.
Once I felt comfortable with what I have done, I would want to finally take a family vacation where a passport was needed. When I was finished with that, I would then want to take a vacation with my dearest friends, where also a passport would be needed.
While thinking about all that, I also had to deal with my restless leg syndrome! Yes it's real and yes I have it!

Sometimes it really sucks and I feel like I'm going to go freaking crazy! Does anyone else that I know suffer from this?
I did when I was pregnant, the last time and it sucked! It is kind of like when your on a long plane ride and no matter which position you try to move, your legs just want to get up and start moving! When I was pregnant and went to bed, I would have to get up and take a hot shower or bath to "trick" them into going to sleep with the rest of my body!