I tend to have a lot of free time on my hands, so I do a lot of thinking. Here lately I've been thinking about the topic of this entry, Friends. There are different ways to tell who truly is a friend, but this is about what type of friend are you really? So, you and I are which type of friends?
I recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends. I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. First, there are the "Pest Friends", general acquaintances. Next, there are "Guest Friends", social partners. Lastly, we have "Best Friends", our true friends.
Pest Friends, is simply an acquaintance. This means that you basically only know their name. You might not even remember what they look like if you haven't seen them in a long time. Usually, you meet these types of friends at work, the store, or the gym, or anywhere else you might be. You normally would not mind having a cup of coffee with them, but if anything else came up, you usually would have no problem parting company with them. You normally don't miss them when they are elsewhere. It is also this type of friend who gives you the most amount of aggravation. Since most of the time you are placed in a position where you have to act friendly, you would not normally tell an acquaintance when he or she is doing something aggravating, such as tapping their fingers on a table or chewing gum loudly. This is why they are called "Pest Friends".
Guest Friends, are typically the people you call if you're wanting a guys night or girls night out. You meet them at the location and at the end of the night, you go your separate way and they go theirs. These sorts of friends you don't talk to too often and you typically do not confide in them, they're what I would call, distance acquaintances.
Best Friends. These sort of friends are there when you need them. They know you as a person and they are there through thick and thin. Best Friends, are the ones that you can lean and depend on, no matter what. If you should need a listening ear, they will be the ones to lend their support. This friend you're able to discuss relationship issues and expect feed back and constructive criticism. There is no judgment. Their love is unconditional. They are typically trustworthy and loyal. (Associated Content - Mikaelas_mom)
So, what do you think? Where are we? I would have to say that a majority of my friends fall under the category of Guest Friends.
On a different note, yesterday was my sister-in-laws birthday, so Happy Birthday Kelly! I tried to call her, but I think they cut off our stateside DSN access. There's really no telling with the douche bags here.
We are no longer on water restriction either. How long is it going to last this time? I have a huge headache that just came on out of nowhere!
hey jay, nice to see you have a blog again. i do try to keep up with ya insane life,lol,and this is best way i can do it. i am hoping i come under your best friends list,even tho we dont see one another real often