President Barack Obama saluted veterans and urged his countrymen to do the same this Memorial Day weekend, saying the nation has not alawys paid them proper respect. Well no shit. When was the last time you thanked a veteran or someone currently in the US military? Our service men and women aren't getting paid nearly enough for their duties and on top of that, they have to spend months in a foreign country away from their family and friends, some of them to never return. They do this, so that those of you (you being the general public) who are afraid or not man enough or woman enough to endure the trials they have gone through, can stay at home with your family and friends; so that you can sit in front of the tv every night, so that you can enjoy a hot shower and/or bath as well as a hot meal, so that you don't have to go to a different country to get dirty and fight and possibly die. We have men and women who do this for you, us, and yet, they hardly ever get recognized. We even have people who spit on them and curse them when they return. What kind of shit is that? I always thought that America was the greatest nation in the world, where its people have thier differences...*smiling* You know, Happy Memorial Day to all those veterans and current service members.
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