Still here, just no freaking time really. In the process of buying a house and trying to figure out what I want to do with my freaking life! :)
Different not, a friend and my grandmother had surgery this morning, or rather yesterday morning. They are doing great, but I'm sure they're sore.
Did the Draper Lake thing with T and Trav, Jason and I had a lot of fun. I was so freaking tired afterward.
I'm still out here and doing this thing, having a blast with my iPhone and will hopefully find the time to really do an update!
Going to bed now!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
lsie hfue l

This past weekend was a lot of fun. Friday I went up to OKC to spend the weekend with Jason. Friday we met the guys that he hung out with for Happy Hour at the Phoenix Rising and then headed over to the Boom for a bite to eat. Then we finished having some more drinks there, Craig almost got us escorted out, just by asking a freaking question, nonetheless, then Jason and I headed over to Trav's house to have another drink or two, and then Trav got some "company" so we just left him to it! LOL *wink* Love ya Trav! Saturday, Jason hosted a BBQ for me, so that I could meet his "crew", LOL! It was fun. First we met my sister-in-law in the city to go shopping for some party supplies for my niece's birthday party this Saturday. We made it back to the BBQ, talked, had some drinks, and then Timberlynn invited us over to Jeff's house in Moore to a UFC watch party. We go. :-) It was actually a lot of fun! We chilled there, talked with everyone and made new and more friends. We left there and went over to Eric and Kristin's house, somewhere, and brought in the morning. They invited us to spend the night there, but I was just so tired and wanting Jason's comfortable bed! So, we left. Ugh, thank the stars that was finally over with. Sunday, we didn't do jack shit, we just basically vegged out in front of the t.v. on the couch! I came back home Monday morning after Jason left for work.
Yesterday was Bella's 4th Birthday, but we are celebrating her party on the 18th. My mother and I met Kelly and the babies up in the city at Chuck E. Cheese so that we could hang with Bella on her actual birthday. We found some foam letters to paint for Bella's birthday surprise that my brother is building for her. We came back home, started to paint them. Kelly had things to do. I went to eat with my sister. Kayla and Ryan came down to look at the house they are in the process of buying, we all went over to look at it again with them. Then we headed over to my brothers for some ice cream, then I came home, talked to Jason on the phone and passed out, only to wake up a measly four hours later! Ugh.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I'm So Tired

Today, I finally got my car title in the mail and went and got my tag. Nice chunk of change. :)
Didn't do a whole lot, went and visited Michael at work, went to visit my grandparents and then went and visited with Marisela. :) Texted and talked to Jason. *smiling*
Going to jet for now, holla!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Transform This

The movie was long, thought it could have been a little shorter, only because they drew it out too long. It was good, nonetheless. I probably could have waited for it to come out on DVD. I got to see a preview for New Moon, I'm so freaking excited! *smiling*
After the movie, I went over to visit with Marisela for a bit. That was fun. Then it got late and I came home. Called and talked to Jason on the way and then for a bit when I reached my destination. Poor baby has a lot to think about, with his career. I hope things work out and we are together for a very long time, if not till death, but I told him not to base any decisions off of me, us. It's not supposed to sound bad, just real. *smiling* If you hadn't got to meet him yet, I'm sure that you will soon. He's different than the guys that I usually go for, but so much in a better way. He is about a year to a few months younger than I, yeah if you know me, then you know how that is, but I'm cool with it. He's much more mature than I! LOL It's a good thing. Our first date was awesome, not typical at all! He took me to my favorite restaurant, The Olive Garden (sorry again Marisela) and then we went and did the canal ride thingy down in Brick Town. Then we went back to his place and talked, had some drinks, and played some card and dice cames. It was really awesome. We then snuggled and talked some more and then finally fell asleep! It was awesome. NO, contrary to what you may think or believe, we hadn't had sex yet. We are holding off and when it happens, it will happen. If you cut the sex part out, it really makes it easier to get to know someone, I think. I'm going on two years now of non sex activities, so I'm nervous about all that too! LOL *smiling*
What else is there to tell you about? I guess that I'm going to jet for now, I should have a busy day tomorrow/today, but I keep putting things off! LOL
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes, I know that I've been slacking, but it's just crazy for me right now. It's almost like being home for R&R, being pulled here and there, asking to be here and there, popularity sucks! LOL I'm just joking.
I'm still in love with my car, "EC"! I have already put a mark on him. :( It's all my fault, but I'm dealing with it. I'm just glad that it was me and no one else.
The 4th of July was a blast! It didn't just rained, it freaking poured! It didn't stop us though. Jason didn't have anything going on for the 4th, so he came down to Chickasha to celebrate it with all of us crazy people. He enjoyed himself and made himself at home. Everyone, so far, had only good things to say about him. We had a freaking awesome fireworks show. We got together and bought close to a $1k worth of fireworks. We visited and drank and laughed so freaking much. All the adults were just like kids, it was great!
I'm starting to hit the pavement and begin looking for a job. I've looked at my resume and updated it, but not completely. This part is just so much fun! I'm also thinking about buying a house. My cousins, the Veals, said that they'd sell me their house. I'm going to look into it. I'm 90% sure that I can land a j-o-b in Chickasha, but I don't want to do the commute thing. So, if I do buy the Veal house, I'm thinking that I may just rent it out. At least till I'm able to find a j-o-b in Oklahoma City. I'm through with overseas contracting, or want to be, so I hope that something works out.
I'm tired and I don't feel like doing anything. There aren't enough hours in the day!
My friend Michael is thinking about a military branch, so Monday we are going to go hit up some recruiting stations and see what they have to tell him. I'm just going for support and if they tell him something he doesn't understand, I'll be there to explain, and to catch any lies they may tell. :)
So, this is my update, I'll try to keep them coming regularly! PEACE
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sexy Is Back

So, there has been a lot going on and I just really hadn't had the time to get on here and update like I'd like. So, let me give you a brief run down of what has gone on:
I've been running around showing off "EC" and getting to see people. This past weekend was Pride Weekend and I had a blast! Friday night, I hung out with Timberlynn, I had to stop by and show her my beautiful "EC"! Saturday I went out with a friend and hit the clubs and what not, it was some fun. Sunday I made it to the Pride Parade, barely, I was so close to not going, but I ended up there anyway. :) I'm so glad that I did too, I had a freaking blast and I don't think I've ever been hit on as much. Crazy people telling me they spotted me from across the crowd or street and just wanted to meet me, yeah I know. Then, I ran into Travis and he was there with his friends, one of whom I met a couple of years ago, Jason. It was awesome running into them and then hanging out with them, since I was there by myself! LOL So, I tagged along with them and talked with Jason. We closed down the clubs. :-D I ended up staying the night with Jason, and no, we didn't have sex. I wouldn't have minded it, but I'm glad that we didn't. We are "talking" now and he asked me out on a date for Thursday night. How awesome is that? *smiling* I'm totally looking forward to it. He's barely younger than me, which some of you who know me, that's just crazy, but I've grown, so now it's all good. *smiling* I'm not sure if it's just the whole beginning and whatever you'd like to call it, but he's super nice, considerate, and a gentleman. You know me, you know that I don't take compliments well, or know how to accept them, and he's always giving them, so I'm saying thanks and thank you a lot, and feeling werid for doing as such, but I'm just not sure how to deal with them. LOL I'm so freaking strange and you'd think that I've never gotten a compliment before! I promise you I have, and a lot of them. They just make me feel...weird! LOL And now tonight, I have Devon and Easton spending the night with me. *smiling* They sure do keep you on your toes!
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