So, there has been a lot going on and I just really hadn't had the time to get on here and update like I'd like. So, let me give you a brief run down of what has gone on:
I've been running around showing off "EC" and getting to see people. This past weekend was Pride Weekend and I had a blast! Friday night, I hung out with Timberlynn, I had to stop by and show her my beautiful "EC"! Saturday I went out with a friend and hit the clubs and what not, it was some fun. Sunday I made it to the Pride Parade, barely, I was so close to not going, but I ended up there anyway. :) I'm so glad that I did too, I had a freaking blast and I don't think I've ever been hit on as much. Crazy people telling me they spotted me from across the crowd or street and just wanted to meet me, yeah I know. Then, I ran into Travis and he was there with his friends, one of whom I met a couple of years ago, Jason. It was awesome running into them and then hanging out with them, since I was there by myself! LOL So, I tagged along with them and talked with Jason. We closed down the clubs. :-D I ended up staying the night with Jason, and no, we didn't have sex. I wouldn't have minded it, but I'm glad that we didn't. We are "talking" now and he asked me out on a date for Thursday night. How awesome is that? *smiling* I'm totally looking forward to it. He's barely younger than me, which some of you who know me, that's just crazy, but I've grown, so now it's all good. *smiling* I'm not sure if it's just the whole beginning and whatever you'd like to call it, but he's super nice, considerate, and a gentleman. You know me, you know that I don't take compliments well, or know how to accept them, and he's always giving them, so I'm saying thanks and thank you a lot, and feeling werid for doing as such, but I'm just not sure how to deal with them. LOL I'm so freaking strange and you'd think that I've never gotten a compliment before! I promise you I have, and a lot of them. They just make me feel...weird! LOL And now tonight, I have Devon and Easton spending the night with me. *smiling* They sure do keep you on your toes!
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