The movie was long, thought it could have been a little shorter, only because they drew it out too long. It was good, nonetheless. I probably could have waited for it to come out on DVD. I got to see a preview for New Moon, I'm so freaking excited! *smiling*
After the movie, I went over to visit with Marisela for a bit. That was fun. Then it got late and I came home. Called and talked to Jason on the way and then for a bit when I reached my destination. Poor baby has a lot to think about, with his career. I hope things work out and we are together for a very long time, if not till death, but I told him not to base any decisions off of me, us. It's not supposed to sound bad, just real. *smiling* If you hadn't got to meet him yet, I'm sure that you will soon. He's different than the guys that I usually go for, but so much in a better way. He is about a year to a few months younger than I, yeah if you know me, then you know how that is, but I'm cool with it. He's much more mature than I! LOL It's a good thing. Our first date was awesome, not typical at all! He took me to my favorite restaurant, The Olive Garden (sorry again Marisela) and then we went and did the canal ride thingy down in Brick Town. Then we went back to his place and talked, had some drinks, and played some card and dice cames. It was really awesome. We then snuggled and talked some more and then finally fell asleep! It was awesome. NO, contrary to what you may think or believe, we hadn't had sex yet. We are holding off and when it happens, it will happen. If you cut the sex part out, it really makes it easier to get to know someone, I think. I'm going on two years now of non sex activities, so I'm nervous about all that too! LOL *smiling*
What else is there to tell you about? I guess that I'm going to jet for now, I should have a busy day tomorrow/today, but I keep putting things off! LOL
Did you recognize anything from Diego?