This past weekend was a lot of fun. Friday I went up to OKC to spend the weekend with Jason. Friday we met the guys that he hung out with for Happy Hour at the Phoenix Rising and then headed over to the Boom for a bite to eat. Then we finished having some more drinks there, Craig almost got us escorted out, just by asking a freaking question, nonetheless, then Jason and I headed over to Trav's house to have another drink or two, and then Trav got some "company" so we just left him to it! LOL *wink* Love ya Trav! Saturday, Jason hosted a BBQ for me, so that I could meet his "crew", LOL! It was fun. First we met my sister-in-law in the city to go shopping for some party supplies for my niece's birthday party this Saturday. We made it back to the BBQ, talked, had some drinks, and then Timberlynn invited us over to Jeff's house in Moore to a UFC watch party. We go. :-) It was actually a lot of fun! We chilled there, talked with everyone and made new and more friends. We left there and went over to Eric and Kristin's house, somewhere, and brought in the morning. They invited us to spend the night there, but I was just so tired and wanting Jason's comfortable bed! So, we left. Ugh, thank the stars that was finally over with. Sunday, we didn't do jack shit, we just basically vegged out in front of the t.v. on the couch! I came back home Monday morning after Jason left for work.
Yesterday was Bella's 4th Birthday, but we are celebrating her party on the 18th. My mother and I met Kelly and the babies up in the city at Chuck E. Cheese so that we could hang with Bella on her actual birthday. We found some foam letters to paint for Bella's birthday surprise that my brother is building for her. We came back home, started to paint them. Kelly had things to do. I went to eat with my sister. Kayla and Ryan came down to look at the house they are in the process of buying, we all went over to look at it again with them. Then we headed over to my brothers for some ice cream, then I came home, talked to Jason on the phone and passed out, only to wake up a measly four hours later! Ugh.
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