Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Holidays
Hey there. The holidays are an amazing time, especially for close friends and family! You get the chance to see how blessed you are. With me, it's simply amazing. If you know me at all, you know that I'm really family oriented, and that I have a huge family! I'm very close with them and currently live with them as well. That all will change come December 29th, 2009. It's certainly going to be some transition! I'm so used to seeing them every day and being an every day part of my babies lives. What's going to change?
Today I haven't done much of anything except for wrapping more presents, and I'm still not done! The first couple are always fun and the outcome is amazing, but as they go on, it gets boring! LOL I'm still trucking along though.
I did go meet my ex brother in law up in the city to pick up my nephew and cousin, they just got back from skiing in New Mexico. I heard that they had a really awesome time.
Other than all that, not a whole lot going on. I had planned on going up to the city to do some special shopping and buy a gun, but that all changed when my sister asked me to meet up and pick up my nephew. I suppose that I could do that tomorrow? I however, shouldn't be spending any money, seeing as how I have no job and have heard nothing from the places that I've applied. What do I do now? Fast food? I don't think so, and not that it's beneath me or anything, it's just not me.
I guess that I'm going to go now, some more beer to drink and presents to wrap!
Today I haven't done much of anything except for wrapping more presents, and I'm still not done! The first couple are always fun and the outcome is amazing, but as they go on, it gets boring! LOL I'm still trucking along though.
I did go meet my ex brother in law up in the city to pick up my nephew and cousin, they just got back from skiing in New Mexico. I heard that they had a really awesome time.
Other than all that, not a whole lot going on. I had planned on going up to the city to do some special shopping and buy a gun, but that all changed when my sister asked me to meet up and pick up my nephew. I suppose that I could do that tomorrow? I however, shouldn't be spending any money, seeing as how I have no job and have heard nothing from the places that I've applied. What do I do now? Fast food? I don't think so, and not that it's beneath me or anything, it's just not me.
I guess that I'm going to go now, some more beer to drink and presents to wrap!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Webs We Weave
Have you ever thought about the things that you do or have done that come back to bite you in the ass? Just wondering. Have you ever thought about why it was that you did what you did or do what you do? I do that all the time. A lot of the time I don't mean it, but I just let it go. :-) Just rambling, nothing in particular going on.
Another day down. Ugh, I'm so freaking bored and tired! I have still yet to hear about a job from the apps that I have filled out. What's the next step? Call and check up on them? I'm really just wanting something, anything, with little responsibility! :-) I'll be the first to admit that I'm freaking lazy, except for when it comes to designing something or doing photo editing! ;-)
Christmas is upon us, and yet once again I'll be so happy to have it done and over with. The last couple of years when I'm asked what I want for Christmas, I simply say, "Nothing, I'm good", and I mean it, but no one every listens, so each year I get more stuff to have to find a place for! :-D
Going to jet for now, ciao.
Another day down. Ugh, I'm so freaking bored and tired! I have still yet to hear about a job from the apps that I have filled out. What's the next step? Call and check up on them? I'm really just wanting something, anything, with little responsibility! :-) I'll be the first to admit that I'm freaking lazy, except for when it comes to designing something or doing photo editing! ;-)
Christmas is upon us, and yet once again I'll be so happy to have it done and over with. The last couple of years when I'm asked what I want for Christmas, I simply say, "Nothing, I'm good", and I mean it, but no one every listens, so each year I get more stuff to have to find a place for! :-D
Going to jet for now, ciao.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Not Enough Hours In The Day
So, I'm about to begin yet another chapter in my life! I know before that I said that I was going to try and get back on here more often, but as you can see that hasn't happened. There aren't enough hours in the freaking day!
I wouldn't sleep if I didn't have to. Sleeping is so overrated!
I am going to pick this up again though. It may not be in the correct order though, because I'm not going to write step by step, but just as it comes to me. Make sense? So, I could blog about a couple of different things, which all happened on the same day, but will have different blogs! LOL I lose you yet? Damn! Nah, just kidding.
Currently, I'm itchy and it's driving me crazy! Cortizone - 10 isn't helping either! Ugh! What the hell is it?
So, this morning, I get a text from my cousin JJ, they are at Mercy hospital, Breezy is about to give birth to Zane! It's their first child, I'm really excited for them. I was going to try and go up and be there, but I'm just too freaking tired at the moment! You see, I haven't slept a wink all night and it's now 0723!
So, what do you think? Is this going to work?
Me? Dating a new guy. Getting an apartment in downtown OKC, finally! Looking for a job (any job)! Have a new nephew on the way (due date of the 20th of Dec.). Finished Christmas shopping, minus one gift! Wanting to apply and attend Rose State College! Just basically living life one day at a time!
I wouldn't sleep if I didn't have to. Sleeping is so overrated!
I am going to pick this up again though. It may not be in the correct order though, because I'm not going to write step by step, but just as it comes to me. Make sense? So, I could blog about a couple of different things, which all happened on the same day, but will have different blogs! LOL I lose you yet? Damn! Nah, just kidding.
Currently, I'm itchy and it's driving me crazy! Cortizone - 10 isn't helping either! Ugh! What the hell is it?
So, this morning, I get a text from my cousin JJ, they are at Mercy hospital, Breezy is about to give birth to Zane! It's their first child, I'm really excited for them. I was going to try and go up and be there, but I'm just too freaking tired at the moment! You see, I haven't slept a wink all night and it's now 0723!
So, what do you think? Is this going to work?
Me? Dating a new guy. Getting an apartment in downtown OKC, finally! Looking for a job (any job)! Have a new nephew on the way (due date of the 20th of Dec.). Finished Christmas shopping, minus one gift! Wanting to apply and attend Rose State College! Just basically living life one day at a time!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wow, what a new chapter we are already in, in the Life of Jay! So much is going on, and yes I'm trying to keep up with this, but I'm really busy or just not in the mood to write. I know, what's up with that? I will try to make more of an effort, I promise.
I'm alive, I'm healthy (sort of), and I'm SUPER HAPPY! :-)
I'm alive, I'm healthy (sort of), and I'm SUPER HAPPY! :-)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What It Is
Man, will it ever end, me being so busy and having to make up my mind at every turn? I'm seriously thinking about taking a job again with my previous company. They called me yesterday out of the blue to make sure that I knew they were keeping my security clearance up to date and active. They told me that they had something domestic as well as oconus, so I guess I just have to make up my mind. :)
Soccer practices have started and the first game is this coming Sunday! :) I'm so tired, just dealing with all the kid stuff, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! :) Still continuing to constantly being on the move! :)
I'm still freaking tired and still have to do this and do that. What's the end product going to be like?
I'm closing on the house on the 14th, of September at 1300! I'm ready to get all that over with! I don't think that I'll ever know myself or feel it, if I made the right choice or not. :)
We shall see.
Soccer practices have started and the first game is this coming Sunday! :) I'm so tired, just dealing with all the kid stuff, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! :) Still continuing to constantly being on the move! :)
I'm still freaking tired and still have to do this and do that. What's the end product going to be like?
I'm closing on the house on the 14th, of September at 1300! I'm ready to get all that over with! I don't think that I'll ever know myself or feel it, if I made the right choice or not. :)
We shall see.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wow, how time just gets away from you! I'm so ready for a vacation. So, last night was a pretty awesome rain, thunder and lightening storm! It was so amazing! Today, around town, it looks like a freaking tornado came through, with all the debris and what not.
So, I'm still in the process of buying a freaking house. How scary is that? I'm a little freaked out. All on my own. All the numbers adding up and not having a job, Ka-Ray-Z! I don't know if the deal is going to go through or not. Everyone keeps telling me that everything will work out. I suppose we shall see.
I'm so tired all of the time. I wounder if it could be the lack of me not doing anything. I really need to get on the ball and find some type of job to keep me busy. I'm going to go crazy! I've been throwing around the thought of going back overseas. I think I'm comfortable there and the pay is great. It would be just because I felt like doing it and not that I had to, so that would make it a lot better too, this time around, I think. I just don't think I'd do well in the "civilian" work place. ??? I've thought about going to school too, but then for what? A CNA, LPN, RN, Radiology Tech, what? If only the lotto would call out my numbers. LOL :-) I know I'm supposed to win it, I just have to start playing! LOL
I've made some new friends, which is always a good thing. I'm seeing a great guy. I can see it lasting a very long time, but there's no telling with me. I don't think anyone can really handle me and the way that I am. I don't know what it is about me that guys like, but it seems like they just like me. ??? I'm nothing special in bed, I don't go South and I pretty much just lay there! LOL Man that's almost sad to admit. So, what is it?
I got a new camera and it's still pretty new, considering I've only used it once! I got some filters and I'd really like to start using it, a lot! I just can't seem to find the energy or motivation. A cousin of mine asked me to do her pregnancy pictures, which I've never done before, so what do I do? She offered to pay, but how could you charge a family member for something like that? I told her to just teach me some photography stuff or camera stuff and we'd call it even. :-)
I'm 30 and I don't know what I want to do with my life!
So, I'm still in the process of buying a freaking house. How scary is that? I'm a little freaked out. All on my own. All the numbers adding up and not having a job, Ka-Ray-Z! I don't know if the deal is going to go through or not. Everyone keeps telling me that everything will work out. I suppose we shall see.
I'm so tired all of the time. I wounder if it could be the lack of me not doing anything. I really need to get on the ball and find some type of job to keep me busy. I'm going to go crazy! I've been throwing around the thought of going back overseas. I think I'm comfortable there and the pay is great. It would be just because I felt like doing it and not that I had to, so that would make it a lot better too, this time around, I think. I just don't think I'd do well in the "civilian" work place. ??? I've thought about going to school too, but then for what? A CNA, LPN, RN, Radiology Tech, what? If only the lotto would call out my numbers. LOL :-) I know I'm supposed to win it, I just have to start playing! LOL
I've made some new friends, which is always a good thing. I'm seeing a great guy. I can see it lasting a very long time, but there's no telling with me. I don't think anyone can really handle me and the way that I am. I don't know what it is about me that guys like, but it seems like they just like me. ??? I'm nothing special in bed, I don't go South and I pretty much just lay there! LOL Man that's almost sad to admit. So, what is it?
I got a new camera and it's still pretty new, considering I've only used it once! I got some filters and I'd really like to start using it, a lot! I just can't seem to find the energy or motivation. A cousin of mine asked me to do her pregnancy pictures, which I've never done before, so what do I do? She offered to pay, but how could you charge a family member for something like that? I told her to just teach me some photography stuff or camera stuff and we'd call it even. :-)
I'm 30 and I don't know what I want to do with my life!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Still Here
Still here, just no freaking time really. In the process of buying a house and trying to figure out what I want to do with my freaking life! :)
Different not, a friend and my grandmother had surgery this morning, or rather yesterday morning. They are doing great, but I'm sure they're sore.
Did the Draper Lake thing with T and Trav, Jason and I had a lot of fun. I was so freaking tired afterward.
I'm still out here and doing this thing, having a blast with my iPhone and will hopefully find the time to really do an update!
Going to bed now!
Different not, a friend and my grandmother had surgery this morning, or rather yesterday morning. They are doing great, but I'm sure they're sore.
Did the Draper Lake thing with T and Trav, Jason and I had a lot of fun. I was so freaking tired afterward.
I'm still out here and doing this thing, having a blast with my iPhone and will hopefully find the time to really do an update!
Going to bed now!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
lsie hfue l

This past weekend was a lot of fun. Friday I went up to OKC to spend the weekend with Jason. Friday we met the guys that he hung out with for Happy Hour at the Phoenix Rising and then headed over to the Boom for a bite to eat. Then we finished having some more drinks there, Craig almost got us escorted out, just by asking a freaking question, nonetheless, then Jason and I headed over to Trav's house to have another drink or two, and then Trav got some "company" so we just left him to it! LOL *wink* Love ya Trav! Saturday, Jason hosted a BBQ for me, so that I could meet his "crew", LOL! It was fun. First we met my sister-in-law in the city to go shopping for some party supplies for my niece's birthday party this Saturday. We made it back to the BBQ, talked, had some drinks, and then Timberlynn invited us over to Jeff's house in Moore to a UFC watch party. We go. :-) It was actually a lot of fun! We chilled there, talked with everyone and made new and more friends. We left there and went over to Eric and Kristin's house, somewhere, and brought in the morning. They invited us to spend the night there, but I was just so tired and wanting Jason's comfortable bed! So, we left. Ugh, thank the stars that was finally over with. Sunday, we didn't do jack shit, we just basically vegged out in front of the t.v. on the couch! I came back home Monday morning after Jason left for work.
Yesterday was Bella's 4th Birthday, but we are celebrating her party on the 18th. My mother and I met Kelly and the babies up in the city at Chuck E. Cheese so that we could hang with Bella on her actual birthday. We found some foam letters to paint for Bella's birthday surprise that my brother is building for her. We came back home, started to paint them. Kelly had things to do. I went to eat with my sister. Kayla and Ryan came down to look at the house they are in the process of buying, we all went over to look at it again with them. Then we headed over to my brothers for some ice cream, then I came home, talked to Jason on the phone and passed out, only to wake up a measly four hours later! Ugh.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I'm So Tired

Today, I finally got my car title in the mail and went and got my tag. Nice chunk of change. :)
Didn't do a whole lot, went and visited Michael at work, went to visit my grandparents and then went and visited with Marisela. :) Texted and talked to Jason. *smiling*
Going to jet for now, holla!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Transform This

The movie was long, thought it could have been a little shorter, only because they drew it out too long. It was good, nonetheless. I probably could have waited for it to come out on DVD. I got to see a preview for New Moon, I'm so freaking excited! *smiling*
After the movie, I went over to visit with Marisela for a bit. That was fun. Then it got late and I came home. Called and talked to Jason on the way and then for a bit when I reached my destination. Poor baby has a lot to think about, with his career. I hope things work out and we are together for a very long time, if not till death, but I told him not to base any decisions off of me, us. It's not supposed to sound bad, just real. *smiling* If you hadn't got to meet him yet, I'm sure that you will soon. He's different than the guys that I usually go for, but so much in a better way. He is about a year to a few months younger than I, yeah if you know me, then you know how that is, but I'm cool with it. He's much more mature than I! LOL It's a good thing. Our first date was awesome, not typical at all! He took me to my favorite restaurant, The Olive Garden (sorry again Marisela) and then we went and did the canal ride thingy down in Brick Town. Then we went back to his place and talked, had some drinks, and played some card and dice cames. It was really awesome. We then snuggled and talked some more and then finally fell asleep! It was awesome. NO, contrary to what you may think or believe, we hadn't had sex yet. We are holding off and when it happens, it will happen. If you cut the sex part out, it really makes it easier to get to know someone, I think. I'm going on two years now of non sex activities, so I'm nervous about all that too! LOL *smiling*
What else is there to tell you about? I guess that I'm going to jet for now, I should have a busy day tomorrow/today, but I keep putting things off! LOL
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes, I know that I've been slacking, but it's just crazy for me right now. It's almost like being home for R&R, being pulled here and there, asking to be here and there, popularity sucks! LOL I'm just joking.
I'm still in love with my car, "EC"! I have already put a mark on him. :( It's all my fault, but I'm dealing with it. I'm just glad that it was me and no one else.
The 4th of July was a blast! It didn't just rained, it freaking poured! It didn't stop us though. Jason didn't have anything going on for the 4th, so he came down to Chickasha to celebrate it with all of us crazy people. He enjoyed himself and made himself at home. Everyone, so far, had only good things to say about him. We had a freaking awesome fireworks show. We got together and bought close to a $1k worth of fireworks. We visited and drank and laughed so freaking much. All the adults were just like kids, it was great!
I'm starting to hit the pavement and begin looking for a job. I've looked at my resume and updated it, but not completely. This part is just so much fun! I'm also thinking about buying a house. My cousins, the Veals, said that they'd sell me their house. I'm going to look into it. I'm 90% sure that I can land a j-o-b in Chickasha, but I don't want to do the commute thing. So, if I do buy the Veal house, I'm thinking that I may just rent it out. At least till I'm able to find a j-o-b in Oklahoma City. I'm through with overseas contracting, or want to be, so I hope that something works out.
I'm tired and I don't feel like doing anything. There aren't enough hours in the day!
My friend Michael is thinking about a military branch, so Monday we are going to go hit up some recruiting stations and see what they have to tell him. I'm just going for support and if they tell him something he doesn't understand, I'll be there to explain, and to catch any lies they may tell. :)
So, this is my update, I'll try to keep them coming regularly! PEACE
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sexy Is Back

So, there has been a lot going on and I just really hadn't had the time to get on here and update like I'd like. So, let me give you a brief run down of what has gone on:
I've been running around showing off "EC" and getting to see people. This past weekend was Pride Weekend and I had a blast! Friday night, I hung out with Timberlynn, I had to stop by and show her my beautiful "EC"! Saturday I went out with a friend and hit the clubs and what not, it was some fun. Sunday I made it to the Pride Parade, barely, I was so close to not going, but I ended up there anyway. :) I'm so glad that I did too, I had a freaking blast and I don't think I've ever been hit on as much. Crazy people telling me they spotted me from across the crowd or street and just wanted to meet me, yeah I know. Then, I ran into Travis and he was there with his friends, one of whom I met a couple of years ago, Jason. It was awesome running into them and then hanging out with them, since I was there by myself! LOL So, I tagged along with them and talked with Jason. We closed down the clubs. :-D I ended up staying the night with Jason, and no, we didn't have sex. I wouldn't have minded it, but I'm glad that we didn't. We are "talking" now and he asked me out on a date for Thursday night. How awesome is that? *smiling* I'm totally looking forward to it. He's barely younger than me, which some of you who know me, that's just crazy, but I've grown, so now it's all good. *smiling* I'm not sure if it's just the whole beginning and whatever you'd like to call it, but he's super nice, considerate, and a gentleman. You know me, you know that I don't take compliments well, or know how to accept them, and he's always giving them, so I'm saying thanks and thank you a lot, and feeling werid for doing as such, but I'm just not sure how to deal with them. LOL I'm so freaking strange and you'd think that I've never gotten a compliment before! I promise you I have, and a lot of them. They just make me feel...weird! LOL And now tonight, I have Devon and Easton spending the night with me. *smiling* They sure do keep you on your toes!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Introducing "EC"

I keep saying that people in Chickasha are going to get tired
of him because I've been driving him so freaking much. Any
Chance I get, I'm in him! ;-)
Also, in case you hadn't yet figured it out, "EC" is the name
of my baby and it stands for Edward Cullen.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My New Toy

So, I'm home now, finished with flying and just enjoying my babies and the rest of the family!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'll be heading home today! I'll be getting in OKC at about 2300 tonight! I'll write more details later, I just wanted to pop in real quick and let you know that I am stateside. We had to deal with a real CUNT yesterday. Stay Tuned. . .
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Well, since I'll be mid travel and with the time changes, I just wanted to go ahead and wish all the father's out there, A Happy Father's Day. I sincerely hope that they all are able to enjoy this day. :)
On another note, I hate being in Kuwait on base. It's just so boring and nothing to do here. Last night I had restless leg syndrome and it almost drove me crazy, but luckily I was way tired and was able to just pass out. I hate that.
I am so not looking forward to the 15 hour flight ahead of me. I woke up this morning about 0350, and I'm going to stay up all day, so I'm hoping that when I get on the plane, I'll be able to just pass out and sleep most of the way home, as I did when I was heading home for my R&R. My flight is due to leave Kuwait at 0005. Let's hope! *smiling*
I didn't get to see Theresa here, for she didn't answer her phone and I called and I called and I called. I'm not sure about her sometimes. :) I may drive out to California to see her, but then again, may be not. She's going to be heading home on R&R on July 2nd, but I know how it is when you're home for only a little while. So many people to see and so much to get done. I told her to give me a call either way. We shall see.
On another note, I hate being in Kuwait on base. It's just so boring and nothing to do here. Last night I had restless leg syndrome and it almost drove me crazy, but luckily I was way tired and was able to just pass out. I hate that.
I am so not looking forward to the 15 hour flight ahead of me. I woke up this morning about 0350, and I'm going to stay up all day, so I'm hoping that when I get on the plane, I'll be able to just pass out and sleep most of the way home, as I did when I was heading home for my R&R. My flight is due to leave Kuwait at 0005. Let's hope! *smiling*
I didn't get to see Theresa here, for she didn't answer her phone and I called and I called and I called. I'm not sure about her sometimes. :) I may drive out to California to see her, but then again, may be not. She's going to be heading home on R&R on July 2nd, but I know how it is when you're home for only a little while. So many people to see and so much to get done. I told her to give me a call either way. We shall see.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hottie of the Month: Rodrigo Calazans


Talking about a heartbreaking movie, TAKEN, is definitely worth the view. It had it's sad moments and it's heroic moments. Liam Neeson did an awesome job portraying a father protecting his daughter. The scenario they were in, I couldn't even imagine, but if it were one of my nephews or niece, you can bet that I'd do anything I could, just as he did. It's worth the view, and if you're a parent may be it will help you open your eyes or keep your eyes open, knowing that the world isn't all that friendly.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Red Wednesday

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Not a whole lot going on. I actually made it out of KV on my first try on Space A. Now, I just have to make it out of the country of Iraq, via Space A on the first try and that would be awesome! I'm going to give my first try in the morning!
Yesterday was my brother's Birthday, so Happy Birthday Little Big Bro. I called to wish him a Happy Birthday. They were heading to Tuttle for a t-ball game.
The T-Baller, Aidan, caught his first pop fly the other day at one of his games. I bet that would have been awesome to see. My brother also got thrown out of the game too, apparently for arguing with the Ump or something. I hadn't got the full story as of yet. :)
I'm bored here and people are really getting on my damn nerves! Imagine that. I just wanted to pop in for a quick update.
Yesterday was my brother's Birthday, so Happy Birthday Little Big Bro. I called to wish him a Happy Birthday. They were heading to Tuttle for a t-ball game.
The T-Baller, Aidan, caught his first pop fly the other day at one of his games. I bet that would have been awesome to see. My brother also got thrown out of the game too, apparently for arguing with the Ump or something. I hadn't got the full story as of yet. :)
I'm bored here and people are really getting on my damn nerves! Imagine that. I just wanted to pop in for a quick update.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Shoot Shot!

Friday, June 12, 2009
Fire! Fire! Fire!
So, what a way to be woken up this morning at about 0430! A ton of smoke and a loud pop! My roommate, Jay, woke me up and told me that the room was on fire! I could barely breath. I jumped up and threw on my clothes and started running around. He tried putting it out with a towel, but that didn't work for him. In our room we have a "closet", which used to be a shower room. In that room is where the SIPR and NIPR switches are held. We don't use the room and never go in there.
Apparently a switch or outlet or whatever it used to be had shorted, being the cause of the fire. Now, KBR is in charge of the electrical shit around here, which no one likes. If you search the news, KBR is already responsible for a few servicemen deaths, by faulty electrical work. Don't believe me, look it up. No one can stand KBR, but for now, they are the only company capable of doing the contract which they continuously win.
And of course the first words out of KBR's mouth was that it was the TCF's fault for overloading the switch. BULLSHIT! They run the shit in that room, yeah, but that room hasn't changed in all the damn time that I've been here, so why now? Everyone called it too, that KBR would put the blame on someone else. My roommate and I could have been toast if it had gotten way out of hand. He was going to use the fire extinguser on the fire, but we talked about it and decided not to, because of the electronic equipment in there, we weren't sure that it would harm it or not. So, I called the KVFD, which is right behind us and they came over. They had to drive over, so in that time, I got the same towel that Jay had tried to use and I went in the room with the fire and put it out. The air was filled with fine black soot, or whatever, which is all over every freaking thing! I wiped my face and it was black, the inside of my nose was black and my white t-shirt wasn't so white anymore. The smell was/is horrible too!
So, yeah, it was a very eventful morning! Then, I've been stressing over trying to get this one truck taken care of before I leave KV. Well, this morning it also shows up. Come to find out, someone, somewhere, has no clue as to what the hell they are talking about. They've been making a fuss that I hadn't been giving them service out here in KV, all about a VIK conversion KIT, and when it came down to it, it's not what they thought or wanted. Fuckers!
Oh yeah, check out this cob web too that collected some of the black soot!
Then, a truck that I checked out a week ago, which checked out fine, needs to be looked at because the ECM won't even come on. I've been troubleshooting it, because I've never had a situation like this. I've checked all the cables and connections and everything is fine. Used a multimeter on the battery cables, all fine. I don't have a clue. So, I'm asking for help and currently waiting on it, via NIPR. It's been some day for my supposedly last day at KV!
Oh, here's a picture of my cave in my room too! :-D

Oh yeah, check out this cob web too that collected some of the black soot!

Oh, here's a picture of my cave in my room too! :-D

Taking Chance

Such a sad and great movie. It's for sure worth the view. I would have been balling like a big baby if my roommate wasn't in the room! It should make you have more respect for the service men and women who fight for you.
I put Marine in ()'s because the movie is about a Marine. Marine's are Marines, Army are Soldiers, Navy are Saliors, and the Air Force are Airmen, and trust me, there's a difference, but they are all service men and women.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have now eleven days left in this country, not that I'm counting down or anything!

Yesterday was my little cousin Kristin's Birthday, she's 17 now! Man, where has the time gone? I remember changing her diapers when she was a freaking baby! Not to mention babysitting too! Wow.
I have about ten days left here in country too! I'm excited. I've finally asked someone if they wouldn't mind putting me up for the weekend that I return, my cousins, The Veals. It should be fun. :) I just hope they'll say yes, which I'm sure they will. :)
The weather is crappy yet once again here today, not a surprise. Of course, there's still nothing going on here. I have one last bit of work to do, but not sure I'll be able to do it before leaving here. I'd like to get it done, if only to make time pass more quickly, but we shall see. In two days I'm going to start Space A-ing it to AA, which there I have to pack the rest of my crap and mail it home and then start the process of making my way to Kuwait. I'm still hoping to get there early so that I can spend a few days with Theresa! We shall see on that as well. *smiling* I'm super excited.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Something of Nothing

My dawgs are barking and my head is killing me. So, I've been pondering about my new vehicle. Do I be selfish and go for the Honda Accord Coupe or do I think about the big picture and go for the Chevy Traverse? I like them both and would be happy with either. Ugh, why is this so freaking hard for me! LOL I'm thinking that I should get what I want and spend whatever, I mean, I deserve it, right? I'd like to be practicle too though. Know what I mean? I'm hoping that when the time comes (the weekend of the 26th) it will all fall into place and I'll get what I'm meant to get. :) Now, who can I sucker into taking me around to dealerships that weekend?
So yeah, I went to Syria today, but that's a story to be told at the bar, when I'm drunk and you think I don't know what I'm talking about or just making up a big fat lie! :-D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm so freaking bored and tired. The picture here, as you can tell from previous photos, is from the Party Bus as well! :)
I've got some more traveling to do tomorrow, possibly. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes and what all I experience. :)
I still haven't gotten a picture of the guys here yet. Basically only because I'm lazy and don't want to drag out my camera and charge the battery. Damn, what does that say about me as a "photographer"? LOL I'm cool, it's all good.
Just a couple more days and I'll be leaving CKV, finally!
Monday, June 8, 2009

So, today I don't plan on doing anything. I just woke up in it's 1115. There's nothing to do and nowhere to go. I should just go back to bed.
So, when I return, Timberlynn and I are going to become roommates. What? Do you not think it will work out? I hope it doesn't mess with our friendship. I'm sure that it won't. Ever since she and I met, we've had this connection, which is hard to explain, but we are connect...somehow. I think it's going to be fun and it will all work out just fine. I don't know if we are going to continue staying at her house in Moore, or if we are going to be moving. I suppose that's something that we'll have to figure out. Originally I figured that I'd just buy a house and she would come live with me, but with the way things are, It's just not the right time for me to be buying a house. It's for sure an adventure which I'm looking forward to!
Now, I just have to make up my mind on whom I'm going to ask to pick me up from the airport, because I'm going to need their assistance for at least two days. I'm going to need them to take me to get my new car! I'm so super excited about that. I'm going to need to stay with them., who's going to be my lucky victim, I mean friend? :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nothing going on today. I slept the longest I've slept in a few weeks, till noon! The sun is just freaking draining me! :) I'm working now and till I leave the most I've worked on this whole entire contract.
May be some day I'll actually tell you what it is that I really do. You may be surprised and you may not. No telling. I'm so freaking ready to get home! Have I said that lately? I know these are boring and I don't blame anyone for not reading them. It's just boring here for me now, but just you wait till I get back to the states! LOL :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Well, I'm exhausted and my dawgs are barking! I just got back from the sad country Jordan. I had some trucks that I had to update, so a convoy it was. I can't put in words how I feel for these people, those people. I'm sure they don't need my pity, but it's just sad at the way most of them are living. They are surviving though. Everything from here to Jordan is basically a freaking trash can. It's sad, really. We seen a camel on the side of the road too. Let's not forget about our Marines that are based up that, down that way either. I have more respect for each of them. Marine SGT Jeffers, what a freaking doll! So adorable and cute. Sadly, I think he's only like tweleve!
In the next couple of days or so, I'll be heading to wonderful Syria and I'm sure it will be about the same. The weather sucked today too. Wind blowing and dirt everywhere. I really enjoyed my shower tonight, but not the enjoyment your dirty mind is thinking about! LOL
I don't know what I'm going to do now, but I'm going to close this entry.
What Up?
So, the header, I made myself, what do you think? It seems as though someone is actually reading this thing, fore people know that I'm coming home. That's pretty cool. I am however, like I said, going to miss the Family Reunion and make it back JUST IN TIME for Pride weekend. So thrilled! :)
There's still not a whole lot going on here.
Okay, since I have the means, do I just straight up buy my new car or have it financed? Not having any bills is nice, but should I work on my credit score more? It's above a 700 now, so? I think I'll just buy it straight out. Ugh, I don't know! LOL I still have my heart set on the Honda Accord Coupe, but the fact is when it comes down to it, who knows what will catch my eye. I'm going to be going to Fowler Honda in Norman, where I bought my Honda Civic, and I'm going to be going to Steve Bailey Honda in OKC. I'm just wondering which one is going to get my business. You can bet your ass that I'm going to try and "steal" the damn car. Isn't the economy still bad? Are cars still cheap? If not, someone clue me in! :)
I'll be spending the day with Jared today, Lt. Bosanko. We have "work" that we are going to try and get done. I'll try and remember to get a picture of him before I head out. He's cute and funny. I'm actually planning on getting a picture of all the guys here, so that you'll be able to see whom I'm talking about.
I'll be back in the states on the 22nd and should be back in Oklahoma about the 24th or 25th!
There's still not a whole lot going on here.
Okay, since I have the means, do I just straight up buy my new car or have it financed? Not having any bills is nice, but should I work on my credit score more? It's above a 700 now, so? I think I'll just buy it straight out. Ugh, I don't know! LOL I still have my heart set on the Honda Accord Coupe, but the fact is when it comes down to it, who knows what will catch my eye. I'm going to be going to Fowler Honda in Norman, where I bought my Honda Civic, and I'm going to be going to Steve Bailey Honda in OKC. I'm just wondering which one is going to get my business. You can bet your ass that I'm going to try and "steal" the damn car. Isn't the economy still bad? Are cars still cheap? If not, someone clue me in! :)
I'll be spending the day with Jared today, Lt. Bosanko. We have "work" that we are going to try and get done. I'll try and remember to get a picture of him before I head out. He's cute and funny. I'm actually planning on getting a picture of all the guys here, so that you'll be able to see whom I'm talking about.
I'll be back in the states on the 22nd and should be back in Oklahoma about the 24th or 25th!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Gay Jay

I've actually been working here the last couple of days. I have two convoys to do before leaving too. They aren't as scary as you may think or as dangerous as they used to be. *knock on wood* I'm actually looking forward to doing them. I'm so freaking ready to get home. Once I get there, I'm going to hit the ground running, yet once again! :)
So, the pic that I'm using this time, is edited and photographed by yours truly. I'm working on the heading for my Photography Blog, which is listed on the lower right of they screen, if you scroll down, "FotograF".
Thursday, June 4, 2009


So, June 26-28 is GLBT Pride in Oklahoma City. There are all kinds of events planned, and if I'm home, I'm wondering if you might want to tag along to any of them. I've never really been to Pride. I mean, I've been once, ONCE, to see the parade and that was it. I didn't get the full experience. So, if I'm home by this time, I would like to enjoy and partake in Pride! So, how about it, anyone up? We could walk the park, check out all the artist, craft booths, and have some drinks while doing as much. Anyone? No matter really, because I will going. :) Holla!

Below is a chart showing the consequences of what would actually happen if the homosexuals were legally allowed to marry each other! Shocking!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
So Random

I currently hear from my friends more than anyone, and ONE in particular would be Marisela. They just bought a house! I can't wait to get back home so that I can go visit and see it. I'm so happy for them. I'm sure she'll put me to work to, but I'll get out of it some way or another! LOL
I'm going to be distant from everyone when I get back as well. I mean, I'm still doing my North America Road Trip, so I'll see whomever during all that, which I can't wait either! Once I get tired of running around, then I'll try and make time for everyone. That's just how the cookie crumbles I suppose. LOL
Today, I actually did some freaking work! I was out in the sun all day and it's fucking HOT! Great, now I have a real good farmers tan going as well as a watch tan! It sucks, but not really a biggie. I'm not impressing anyone.
I still haven't heard yet either when I'll be heading back. I'm not telling anyone either. Everything that you need to know will be here, where I empty my head, so if you should happen to read it here or whatever, then you're going to be above the rest. It's just how I'm rollin' these days! :)
I've been thinking about this Oklahoma City AIDS Walk thing, and I want to do the 5k run that morning of. I wonder if I can get anyone to join me or at least get a group to go out for support and what not. I was also thinking about having t-shirts made, with my design on them for everyone who'd like to join me that morning. It's going to be on Sunday October 11th. So, if you read this and you're interested, leave me a comment or send me an e-mail stating as such! :)
Been Going On

Also, I've still been getting the site ready to ship off, so that I can begin my journey back home. I'm so ready. I'm more ready than I thought I would be. I don't think I'm going to be back in time for the Family Reunion that's Father's Day weekend, but I'm for sure going to try.
Still checking my empty e-mail boxes. It's all good though. I'm for sure not going out of my way for anyone once I return.
The heat is picking up quick here. I spend a large part of my day down in the connex, which is like a freaking oven out here! It's something that must be done though.
Did I mention that I was ready to get back home?
My cousin, Heather, has been doing some amazing photography, which I hope to share with you here, once I can load some of her pics on here. They are freaking awesome. She uses me for feed back and I hope to use her someday for feed back too, on our photography.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Road Trip

The Road Trip, North American Road Trip is still going to happen when I get back home and get a car. I have one friend who said that he'd go with me if I couldn't find anyone else to go with me. It's looking like it's going to be him. I was thinking about flipping a coin to see which direction we head first. I'm not sure planning it all out will be as much fun. May be a places of for sure to hit? I just want to get in and drive and see where we get. Like may be stop in a place where the tank is empty? Who knows. I have some books stored on about road trips and 10,000 things to see in North America. I'm thinking about getting back home and chillin' and then starting towards the end of July. I have to be home for my Pretty Princess's birthday. :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009

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