Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Something of Nothing

This picture is from my Birthday Bash, the Party Bus. One of our stops was at Laura's house for drinks, food, and games! Pin the Cock on the Stud! LOL Yeah, I traded out the poster, but it's the same! :-D

My dawgs are barking and my head is killing me. So, I've been pondering about my new vehicle. Do I be selfish and go for the Honda Accord Coupe or do I think about the big picture and go for the Chevy Traverse? I like them both and would be happy with either. Ugh, why is this so freaking hard for me! LOL I'm thinking that I should get what I want and spend whatever, I mean, I deserve it, right? I'd like to be practicle too though. Know what I mean? I'm hoping that when the time comes (the weekend of the 26th) it will all fall into place and I'll get what I'm meant to get. :) Now, who can I sucker into taking me around to dealerships that weekend?

So yeah, I went to Syria today, but that's a story to be told at the bar, when I'm drunk and you think I don't know what I'm talking about or just making up a big fat lie! :-D

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